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How Protein Powders Can Help You Loose Weight

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Weight loss is one of the key ways to maintain your fitness and a significant number of people visit the gym to lose weight. There is large number of weight loss programs in the market that claim to help you lose pounds fast. However, it is important to remember there are no shortcuts on the path to losing weight. A good weight loss strategy is to regulate your diet as well as exercise in order to lose weight.

It should be noted that weight loss can be achieved though controlling diet alone, but there are many benefits of incorporating exercise in achieving your weight loss goal. Exercise helps to burn the excess amount of energy accumulated in your body and helps to boost metabolism. This makes sure that the food you eat is digested at a quicker rate.

Some studies even suggest that people who exercise regularly are able to burn calories faster than those who have a sedentary lifestyle even when they are resting. This is because exercise causes build up of muscles in the body, which require more energy and therefore cause more calories to be burnt.

When it comes to diet for reducing weight, there are a number of options out there. You should stick to the diet that incorporates all the basic nutrients and contain minimum amount of fat. Therefore, vegetables and fruits are your best choice. In addition, the importance of staying hydrated cannot be underestimated. Drinking plenty of water before a meal provides a feeling of being sated and prevents you from excessive eating. It also helps the body to workout for a longer period of time.

Protein powders are a great choice for you if you are looking to lose weight and build fitness along the way. Protein powders are needed to compensate for the amount of protein needed in the body. Normally, protein requirements are fulfilled by the sources of protein in our diet, namely fish, chicken and red meat. However, for those looking to lose weight and exercising regularly, protein powder shakes can be a good way to maintain the protein requirements in the body.

What Are My Protein Requirements?

If the protein requirements of your body are not being fulfilled, you tend to feel lethargic, weak while lifting weights or doing any other form of strenuous activity. The protein requirements of an individual depend on the amount of physical activity they are involved in. For example, recreational athletes require 0.5- 0.75 gram of protein for every kiloof body weight.

However, competitive athletes need 0.6-0.9 grams per kilo of body weight. Athletes looking to build muscles mass require 0.7-0.9 grams of protein per kilo of their body weight. Protein powders are an excellent choice to fulfill your protein dietary requirements.

There is a wide variety of protein powders available in the market, with varying amount of proteins in them. Some protein powders contain 100% proteins, while others contain only a minimum percentage of protein and contain mostly fats and carbohydrates.

When Do I Take Protein Powder Shakes?

Contrary to conventional wisdom, which says you should take a protein powder shake before a workout, you can take protein powder shake few hours after the workout as well. Studies show that there is a much higher need for carbohydrates than proteins after a workout that helps to restore the requirement of energy within the body. It is also more important to consume an ample amount of protein throughout the day on a regular basis.

To help you choose the right protein powder for your losing weight, here is a list of our most popular products:

Six Pack Weight Loss Protein Powder:

SIX PACK Weight Loss Protein Powder by Syn-Tec is a dietary supplement that is manufactured in New Zealand and is especially formulated to assist bodybuilders and other athletes to improve their performance by compensating their protein and other nutritional needs. This protein powder contains high amounts of protein and low carbohydrates and fats to allow you get maximum amount of proteins during your weight loss regime.

Six Pack Weight Loss Protein Powder contains multiple herbal extracts such as Green tea, Garcina Quaesita (Hydroxy Citric Acid), pure USP Caffeine and Citrus Aurantium (Synpherine) that provide a powerful concoction of nutrients your body needs. Six other active ingredients, namely, extra Tyrosine, Beta Alanine, Inositol, MCT Oil, Bromelain, Bioperine and B Vitamins allow the effect of protein powder to be maximized and increase the formula’s overall bioavailability.

Take this protein powder before or after workout or as a snack between meals by blending 2 ½ scoops of it in milk or water.

Weight Loss Stack:

Weight loss stack is a protein powder product by Syn-tec containing high concentration of six pack protein powder with high concentration of fat burners and antioxidants. Weight loss stack contains Six Pack protein powder for burning fat, INSYNER8, a preworkout fat-burning drink and L-Carnitine, an amino acid that has great potential for burning fat and ideal for anyone with a weight loss and fitness goal.

Vital Protein Pea Protein Powder:

VITAL PROTEIN Pea Protein Powder is a protein powder formulated for those individuals looking to lose weight, or toning their muscles. It is especially suitable for vegans as a protein source, as it is extracted from Golden peas and has a high bioavailability made possible by an enzyme reaction. It can be used as a snack or breakfast and before and after training as well. Vital Protein Pea Protein Powder is ideal for use in sports, in weight loss or as a protein source for vegetarians.

In conclusion, protein powders can be ideal for you if you want to lose weight and gain lean muscle growth in the process. In addition to taking protein powder shakes, don’t forget to have a balance diet and exercise to achieve your fitness goals as soon as you can.